Sandra W. 6


I love Animal Victory!! I don’t think I’ve ever missed signing a petition to get justice for some awful act that was perpetrated on a innocent animal. What I really like is that they give you updates on every petition you sign so you’re not left wondering about the outcome of court cases. I’m pretty sure this is the only organization that does that. I love, love, love Animal Victory!!



A down to earth charity that tells it like it is and attempts to expose animal abuse throughout America, from small-town USA to the bigger cities. It also personally distributes care packages to the most needy pet owners and unlike the larger organizations, gives the feeling that you really know where your money is going and what your donation is actually achieving!



Animal charities need our help. Our creature companions are being abused, stolen , murdered for pleasure, are victims of war. We are meant to care for them, love them. The charities save these creatures from sometimes hellish conditions and bring them to places of safety where the can be fed and healed of pain and broken bones. They can be helped to forever homes or places where they can live in peace and love. The charities need to be respected for the work they do.

Peter W.4


Animal Victory works to get justice for animals who have been abused, tortured and killed. The cases they handle are horrific – I couldn’t do this type of work everyday. They also help animals impacted by disasters. They are a great organization that helps animals everyday. Please support them!



They are wonderful in trying to make animal abuses face justice. Sadly without them a lot of these evil people would just get a slap on the wrist. Everyone know animal abusers go on to abuse women, children and elderly so the sooner we can get them outed to the public and behind bars the better for everyone.



This organization gives everyday people the ability to save animals in abusive situations and have the people who commit these crimes face prosecution. Thank you to everyone who takes part in being the voice for animals.



This organization tirelessly goes above and beyond for animals…



They always put animal’s welfare first and they are always on top of current issues. They have the heart to voice for animals when other don’t even care.



I have been involved with Animal Victory Disaster And Abuse Fund for many years! I actively sign petitions with the hope to have individuals who horrifically abuse Animals Prosecuted to the Fullest extent of the Law!
As the years go by, this abuse has escalated to torture that I can’t bring myself to describe!! There are nights that I have nightmares after reading about what these Monsters have done to our innocent animals!!!
When I am able to, I donate to their mission to help the homeless with animals, the animals in disaster areas in the USA And In Foreign Countries. I also donate to their general fund to keep them going to be able to keep this AMAZING GROUP ALIVE!!
When we sign these petitions to help the innocent animals who have been abused, Animal Victory does everything in their power that the petition makes it to the District Attorney/prosecuting Attorney!! Then Animal Victory follows every every case and keeps us updated!! We always know what happens with each petition/case. It could take years for a case to be finished!!
This nonprofit does not sit behind a desk and just collect money ~ They are Truly Advocates for all Animals ~ Dogs, Cats, Horses, Pigs, Birds etc.
Nobody scares them off ~ I am located in Southern California and I had read about a pup being abused in a city near my home. I contacted Animal Victory. They replied back to me asap and already had heard about the situation. I was happy to hear that they were working on it already!!
Their Petitions work/Many of the Defendents have been found Guilty!!!

To Sum Up This Organization Is One Of The Best Nonprofits Out There Today Who Is Truly An Advocate For All Animals!!



I am in awe of this organization on a daily basis. They tirelessly pursue animal justice on a level most humans with even the biggest hearts could not withstand, as they expose some of the most abhorrent and evil animal torture crimes imaginable. They accomplish multi-faceted change by creating public awareness and demanding legal repercussion for these violent offenders. To not award this organization with a grant would be a regretful step backwards in the pursuit of justice for animals. They are pioneers for a compassionate world for all sentient beings and my family and circle of influence will always support them.



Animal Victory is a strong advocate in seeking justice for abused animal. As a voice for the animals, their petitions lead to maximum sentences for animal abusers. Once signed up, I received emails for petitions every time an urgent case comes up. The petitions are informative & easy to understand. I can save my info & sign petitions with just one click.
They also feature death row shelter dogs in their newsletters, helping shelter dog advocates to spread the word. Every case that I’ve followed, the dogs have been rescued
They respond to emails. They helped me to donate a bunch of little dog sweaters to homeless pet owners.
They have a great spay/neuter program, and do alot of work to help homeless pet owners. Best animal advocate ever!



Animal Victory Uses Their Voice, ALL Of Our Voices, For Innocent Victims Of Horrendous Abuse & Neglect.
God’s Creatures ALL Need A Voice, Those Who Truly Care & Will Rescue, Help & Heal Their Bodies & Souls.
They Appreciate All Donations Given With Hope & Love. Together, Great & Miraculous Things Are Done.
Animal Victory Also Pursues Justice For These Innocent & DESERVING Babies. Evil Needs To Be Halted.
The Organization Also Keeps Us Updated On Cases, Recoveries & Healing Of The Broken Angels.
God Bless Every Single One Of God’s Creatures & The Earth Angels That Help, Reach Out & Care, Spread Love And Hope.



Animal Victory does a great job getting the message out there for these animals that are being severely abused. Regardless if it is wild or domestic their compassion always shines through. This is a very tough fight as people become more abusive for fun or thumbs up on social media. These people have a huge fight and are doing their best to win. Every message that can get out there to shine some light on this tragic cycle is a message that is extremely needed. My hats off to these ladies who do their best to fight for the voiceless. They will always have my support!

Krystal F.


I have followed the work of Animal Victories and have been so impressed with how quickly they get involved on animals behaves. I have messaged them directly about an animal abuse cases I have been made aware of and they always respond and have setup petitions based on receiving messages. I always appreciate how closely they follow the cases through trial and update their followers on things that can be done to help insure animal abusers are punished to the full extent of the law. Thank you for all you do!



I love Animal Victory and Disaster Abuse Fund! They do so much for all of the animals that need help and I love that I can feel confident to where my money is going. Plus I get petitions all the time to sign in order to help the animals. What a great nonprofit to be a part of.



Fantastic charity, would recommend everyone follow them



I am very dedicated tokey people helping animals but, due to my schedule, worry that I am not always aware of activities I can do to help them. Animal VIctory is an effective group assisting animals in need and helping to change laws so that those who intentionally hurt animals are prosecuted. Animal Victory has their finger on the pulse of many horrible accounts of animal abuse and quickly shares this information, along with petitions, to members to be sure the abuser is prosecuted. I have shared their group with many others who appreciate the information which is provided by Animal Victory. I also donate to this charity monthly.



I have been following this charity for almost 6 months. I have been horrified by the amount of cases of abuse inflicted on animals that should be beloved pets. Animal Victory perseveres in the fight against abusers and keep followers informed of the progress they mare making toward their prosecution. Few charities exist that fulfill this needed function in our society and I heartily support them and hope they are able to obtain grant monies and funding for their worthwhile projrcts



I am consistently amazed by this organization. They relentlessly advocate for animal justice at a level that most could not endure, shedding light on some of the most shocking acts of cruelty imaginable. Their work not only raises public awareness but also pushes for legal accountability for perpetrators, creating meaningful change. Failing to grant them support would be a significant setback in the quest for justice for animals. They are trailblazers in promoting compassion for all sentient beings, and my family and I will always stand behind their important mission.



If we didn’t have a charity such as this, poor animals affected by disasters, many of them created by humans, and those that suffer abuse, would have no support.



Great charity, I love their dedication. Animals need a voice and Animal Victory provides it!



Animal Victory is a hard working effort to save the lives of animals grat and small. They aree very dedicatd and their tireless work has saved so many innocent lives.



These people are the REAL deal! They really care about animals and their petitions make change! Please support them with donations and signing their petitions!



Animal Victory Disaster And Abuse Fund does a wonderful job helping animals in need. I have been signing their petitions for about a decade. I appreciate how they provide followups on them. They have grown so much, now working with international Animal groups. Also helping homeless people with their pets.It’s so heartwarming.



Hi my name is Sassee Walker . I am a solo rescuer working out in the rougher neighborhoods in Brooklyn,NY. I met these wonderful hardworking group of amazing animal lovers during a horrific dog killing cat situation that no one would help me with. They stepped up and worked non stop with all.the tools necessary to get the job done. because of their dedication hard work and devotion to the animals and the humans , we were able to get the dogs owner arrested etc. Since then they have been a pillar in all areas in rescue that other groups won’t touch due to fear or too much work. Animal Victory are fearless and hard workers. They get the job done and they r so essential to all communities. They r caring and loving…I am honored to be helped by them and pray they get all the recognition they deserve…They even help raise money to help feed the hungry, help with spay and neuter for people who will do thebwork but don’t have the money. Special group of folks and I love their work and heart…..U won’t regret choosing them. I can put that on everything…



I’ve been following and supporting their petitions for years. It can be very hard to hear these stories, but so it’s important to shine a light on any abuse or neglect of animals!



There are precious few charities available to help when natural disasters or serious abuse endanger animals. That’s the important mission of the Animal Victory Disaster and Abuse Fund. With climate change increasing the prevalence of severe weather events, their services are more needed than ever.



I love the daily email updates on petitions from Animal Victory. I read every one you publish. Keep up the good work. Thank you for making this mission possible.



I shared an animal cruelty situation I saw on Instagram with Animal Victory and it didn’t take long for them to organize a petition and get the visibility the situation deserved. I absolutely trust Animal Victory when it comes to fighting animal cruelty and bringing the ones responsible to justice!



I first heard about this wonderful organization when they were trying to get as many votes as possible to keep that Scumbag, Michael Vick out of the College Football Hall of Fame. I have been donating ever since when I can to help them in their mission to have animal abusers prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law



Animal Victory is the only non-profit in the United States that is actively fighting some of the. worst, most barbaric torture, starvation, neglect and cruelty in the United States and Canada today. Other organizations simply ask you to sign in protest. Animal Victory’s petitions are precisely focused on the judges and prosecutors in both the United States and Canada – not only educating them to the link between animal cruelty and human abuse, but showing them how tens of thousands of Americans and Canadians are sickened and repulsed by the abuse of these sentient beings by human beings. Animal Victory’s database has been utilized by law enforcement advocating for stricter sentencing guidelines for these abusers. After 19 years as a rescue liaison, I can absolutely testify to changes in felony animal cruelty abuse that we are seeing. It is a privilege to work with such a focused organization for change.



These people at Animal Victory are the best group of people in the world. I know they cannot save all the animals but they are trying!! Please help them they do justice for animal abusers and try to stop any abuse they see or hear about. They are Animal Angles!!!!



I appreciate the different and varied causes that Animal Victory brings to my attention. Whether to raise funds or to sign petitions for causes that need our attention. The different causes are either domestic or international. Thank you Animal for what you do!



Thank you, Animal Victory for all the work you do for animals.



These people are amazing and they do incredible work! They send help to the most remote places, where few others venture to help, and they accomplish so much. I am continuously surprised and so grateful for everything they accomplish to help animals. There are people who truly make the world a better place, and these folks are surely among that group.



Animal Victory is my hero. They work very hard to help get animals rescued during tragedies and to share the news with others so more people can help. They are unbiased and only care about the welfare of animals. They answer all of my emails too!



Heartbreaking awareness being brought to the public! LOVE this organization and everything they stand for!!! Very proud to be a part of Animal Victory.



I have never been more proud to be affiliated with an organization before. Animal Victory is a wonderful and dedicated team that truly does want to make a difference and wants to do their part to help stop the mistreatment of animals.



This organisation of brave, compassionate people are inside a war region, rescuing, feeding and caring for hundreds andß cats in Gaza. Their commitment and dedication is heroic



Great animal protection group! One of the best out there in fact!



Truly one of the best organizations that helps the poor innocent and needy animals of this cruel world.
Bless your hearts and keep up the excellent work



Animal Victory does wonderful work on behalf of abused animals. Now they have expanded their efforts to helping animals affected by war or natural disasters. Consider donating to this group if you love animals.



Animal Victory fights for justice for animals harmed by humans. They bring attention to vicious crimes and push for the maximum sentence for the monsters who harm the innocent. Thanks to their work, animals are kept from return to their abusers, receive social media attention that leads to medical help, or in the worst cases, are given some measure of justice for the terrible crimes done to them. Animal Victory deserves recognition and praise for all they do to make the world a better place for animals.



They work tirelessly for the care of all animals that find themselves as victims of the darker side of humanity. They inspire me to do as much as I can within my own life to all animals I come in contact with. I became a cat colony care taker and TNR volunteer because of their efforts to highlight the need for more people to care about the plight of the animals that live amongst us.

Inspired to help, Uwe



Its gives very good information and updates, it really fights for justice for abused animals. Over-all very good



I thank the universe for you.
You do what I can’t but wish I could



This non profit does the heartbreaking work of telling the saddest stories in an effort to bring abusers to justice. Thanks to them for the work they do for the most vulnerable of our community, those who cannot speak for themselves or fight for themselves, beloved pets.



Janelle and Penny are two animal loving professionals who raise awareness about animal abuse. Animal Victory has a team of dedicated and determined people who value animals over profits. They put petitions out for people to sign to help get justice for abused and neglected animals. I believe these petitions bring awareness to other people when they are shared on social media. I sign and share every petition they put on their website or social media. Animal Victory is a wonderful nonprofit for helping the voiceless animals.



Animal Victory is a fantastic non profit organization. They post real cases of egregious animal abuse and cruelty with full details of the incident, with pictures of the abuser/s, videos when available and details of actual court dates and legal updates. NO other animal welfare organizations does that. They also post news about animal issues, and have a link to report animal abuse in your state.



I am a retired attorney who has been involved with animal welfare for decades. In this capacity I have become familiar with hundreds of non-profits whose mission is to advocate for and help “the voiceless.” Animal Victory is the best of the best! They are focused, articulate, and relentless in their pursuit of justice for those who cannot speak for themselves. I only wish I could award them ten stars!



Animal Victory are brilliant!!! They tirelessly fight against animal cruelty with their petitions which has seen perpetrators receive jail sentences they deserve.



I LOVE that this organization advocates for animals all over the country!!! They create not only awareness but justice that would otherwise not be served!!! I do my best to support them and sign every.single.petition because I believe in their mission!!!KEEP UP THE GRRAT WORK!!!



Animal victory gives factual information on animal abuse that is not available anywhere else and provides a way to act on it that makes a real difference. Bravo!



I’m an animal lover and Animal Victory takes on the hardest (and often unwanted) job of creating awareness about animal abuse and works so hard to bring abusers to justice. Their work is SO needed!



Animal victory does such amazing work for animals and humans!! They are on the forefront of getting results and Justice for severe and egregious cruelty to animals.



Animal Victory is a wonderful animal advocacy nonprofit. They really get the word out about situations that require an immediate spotlight. They have a difficult job, most often alerting us to atrocities inflicted on all animals most of us cannot even imagine. Their advocacy helps greatly in succeeding, along with public support, to push for criminals to be brought to justice. Signing petitions does work and donating , even a few dollars, when lots of folks donate especially enables Animal Victory to get the word out. They are an important organization.



I have supported Animal Victory ever since I received one of their emails. The work and hours that goes into investigating their causes helps reach awareness to the public in order to make a change. A lot of people are oblivious to what challenges people, pets, climate are actually taking place these days.
Animal Victory brings all of these things to life in words, photo’s, and their compassion.
I give Animal Victory the highest of recommendations for their dedication to continue to make the public aware, and that together, we can truly make a change.



I hate seeing the stories and videos of all the people out in this world that are abusing or killing God’s creatures that give us unconditional love and companionship. These sweet, innocent animals just want our attention, affection and love. This organization brings all these ugly truths to light to help stop these disgusting acts that sick people in this world do to the innocent and seeks justice for those without a voice. I may not be able to help with money donations but I do help with signing the petitions this organization puts together for the courts to punish the wicked people that commit heinous crimes against defenseless animals. We all need to do our part to end these terrible acts and this organization helps tremendously with this cause by bringing the ugly truth to light to where our voices can be heard as we stand up against these callous abusers and say NO MORE! Thank you Animal Victory for all you do and I will always stand on your side to end this tragic problem that is so prevalent in our society today. God Bless!!

Peter W.4


Animal Justice does a great job of getting justice for animals who have been abused, neglected, tortured and killed.



This nonprofit speaks up for the animals who can not speak for them selves.

They have saved many animals and fight to keep the people who hurt the animals in jail.

I read many of their reports of injury to animals and the bad people who hurt them. I have signed many petitions from this group who only think of the safety of the innocent animals and stopping bad people from hurting more animals.

Please if you can support this group and sign the petitions to help the animals.



It’s very heartening to know that there is an Organisation who instead of just tut tutting or complaining about people treating animals in the most cruel ways imaginable, do something positive to get the culprits what they deserve . Many a time, without Animal Victory, they would be treated more leniently and in a less positive way.



Animal Victory is truly a great nonprofit. Their work in seeking justice for animals with no voice is critical. The horrific animal abuse by some humans must be prosecuted to raise awareness and prevent future abuse as well. Animal abusers are often human abusers too, and their services are monumental. Thank you, Animal Victory, for being a light in the darkness and helping those who need it most.



Animal Victory is a great nonprofit that fights to put animal abusers behind bars and keep them from abusing and owning animals again. I sign all their petitions and donate to them whenever I can. I am so glad that they stand up to bullies and idiots who do these horrible things to innocent animals. I love the work they do and what they stand for!



I have been impressed by this charity since I first started receiving their emails. They have brought to my attention the many cases of animal cruelty which I would not otherwise been informed of. This has increased my knowledge of the proliferation of these cases and allowed me to respond by signing their petitions, which influence the courts to act against the perpetrators. This is a valuable service they perform by bringing public awareness to the plight of animals all over the country who are abused. For this they should receive recognition and praise.



Love Penny and Janelle and the team. They continue to create awareness about the sad plight of animal abuse and fight for punishment and investigations. They work hard and long to promote awareness and work with animal-loving people to provide supplies and funds to save animals during disasters.

Copyright © 2024 AnimalVictory.org. All rights reserved

Animal Victory Disaster & Abuse Fund (AVADF) is a registered 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization All donations for these projects are tax-deductible as authorized by law. EIN# 88-3617975

The primary mission of AVADF is to help animals suffering from natural disasters and other crisis.